Help Paying Your Bill

Financial Assistance Program

Salinas Valley Health offers a Financial Assistance Program. For instructions on how to apply, please open the application links below.

*Please note: Physicians providing care at Salinas Valley Health Medical Center are not included in the hospital's financial assistance program. You may use the link below to contact a physician who may have been part of your care during your visit to Salinas Valley Health Medical Center to inquire about their financial assistance program.


English or Spanish


English or Spanish

Hospital Bill Complaint Program

The Hospital Bill Complaint Program is a state program, which reviews hospital decisions about whether you qualify for help paying your hospital bill. If you believe you were wrongly denied financial assistance, you may file a complaint with the Hospital Bill Complaint Program. Go to for more information and to file a complaint.
Follow these instructions:

English Application | English Policy

1. Please complete all areas on the attached application form. If any area does not apply to you, write N/A in the space provided.

2. Attach an additional page if you need more space to answer any question.

3. You must provide proof of family income when you submit this application. The following documents are accepted as proof of income:

If you filed a federal income tax return you must submit a copy of:

a. Federal income tax return (Form 1040) from the most recent year. You must include all schedules and attachments as submitted to the Internal Revenue Service.

If you did not file a federal income tax return, please provide the following:

a. Two (2) most recent paycheck stubs; and

b. A letter explaining why you do not file a federal income tax return.

If you have no income, please provide a letter explaining how you support yourself family.

4. Your application cannot be processed until all required information is provided.

5. It is important that you complete and submit the financial assistance application along with all required attachments within fourteen (14) days of receipt of this application.

6. You must sign and date the application. If the patient / guarantor and spouse provide information, both must sign the application.

7. If you have questions, please call your account representative at 831-755-0732.

8. Send or return your completed application to:

Salinas Valley Health Medical Center
Patient Financial Services Department
3 Rossi Circle, Suite C
Salinas, CA 93907
831-755-0732 • toll free number 888-755-7864

Siga estas instrucciones:

Solicitud en español | Política española

1. Complete todas las areas en el formulario de solicitud adjunto. Si alguna area no corresponde a su opción, escriba N/D en el espacio proporcionado.

2. Adjunte una pagina adicional si necesita mas espacio para responder a una pre­gunta.

3. Usted debe proveer una prueba del ingreso familiar cuando presente esta solicitud. Los siguientes documentos se aceptan coma prueba de ingreso:

Si presentà declaración federal de ingresos, debe enviar una copia de:

a. Declaración federal de lngresos (Formulario 1040) del año mas reciente. Debe incluir todas las formas tal como se envian al Departmento de Hacienda.

Si no presentà una declaración federal de ingresos proporcione lo siguiente:

a. Dos (2) talones de nomina recientes; y

b. Una carta que explique par que no presentà una declaración federal de ingresos.

Si no tiene ingresos, presente una carta que explique cual es su sustento para usted y su familia.

4. Su solicitud no puede ser procesada hasta que toda la información solicitada sea proporcionada.

5. Es importante que complete y presente la solicitud de asistencia financiera junta con todos los documentos requeridos antes de catorce (14) días.

6. Usted debe firmar y colocar la fecha en la solicitud. Si el paciente / garante y el cónyuge proveen información, ambos deben firmar la solicitud.

7. Si tiene alguna pregunta, llame a nuestro representante de cuenta.

8. Envie o devuelva su solicitud completa a:

Salinas Valley Health Medical Center
Departamento De Servicios Financieros Para El Paciente
3 Rossi Circle, Suite C
Salinas, CA 93907
831-755-0732 • línea telefónica gratuita 888-755-7864

Still have questions? We're here to help.

If you have questions about insurance coverage and billing, please know that Patient Financial Services is here to find answers. Our goal is to provide help and support. Our Patient Financial Services Department is open Monday through Friday, from 8:00am to 4:30pm. Contact us at 831-755-0732 to learn more about our services.

¿Tiene preguntas? Estamos aquí para ayudarle.

Si tiene preguntas sobre la cobertura de seguro médico o facturación, Servicios Financieros Para el Paciente está aquí para encontrar respuestas. Nuestro objetivo es brindar ayuda y apoyo. Nuestro Departamento de Servicios Financieros para el Paciente está abierto de lunes a viernes, de 8:00 am a 4:30 pm. Para más información sobre nuestros servicios llámenos al 831-755-0732.