Our Services
Obstetrics Emergency Department
As Monterey County’s first and only 24/7 Obstetrics Emergency Department (OB ED), we are dedicated to treating unexpected issues in pregnant women. We want any expectant mother experiencing complications to be seen right away by our team of obstetrics experts. That means when a complication occurs, you don’t have to wait to get seen at the regular emergency room: Just come straight to the OB ED if you’re experiencing any of the following:

- Determination that you are in labor
- Pain/bleeding in pregnancy
- Pre-term labor
- Antenatal testing
- Pelvic pain related to pregnancy
- Abnormal vaginal bleeding related to pregnancy
- Conditions related to high-risk pregnancy, such as high blood pressure
Labor and Delivery
Just as every baby is unique, so is every delivery. Our labor and delivery department is ready to welcome you and your new baby. We are excited to be part of your special day! Our staff is happy to provide excellent care for you and the safest arrival for your newborn. As your partner in care, we strive to provide you with the birthing experience you desire. Our goal is to keep you at the center of your care and listen to your wishes and preferences. Our labor and delivery nurses have been trained to provide high touch maternity care to assist you and your support person(s) through this exciting time.
Some of the methods available to cope with labor discomfort:
- Massage
- Aromatherapy
- Nitrous oxide
- IV Pain Medication
- Epidural
Once your baby is born, they will be placed immediately skin-skin to begin the precious bonding time. As long as your newborn is stable, they can stay skin-skin as long as you desire.
Following your recovery period, approximately two hours, you will be transferred to our Mother/Baby unit.
Maternity Center Tour Overview
Register For Maternity Center Tour
Maternity Center Tour Frequently Asked Questions
Cesarean Section
If you have a scheduled or unscheduled cesarean section, we want to ensure you have the best possible birthing experience there as well. We have see-through drapes where you and your support person can view the birth of your newborn. Once the baby has been quickly evaluated, they are brought back to you for skin-skin in the operating suite. Once the surgery is completed, you, your new baby, and support person will spend some time (approximately two hours) in the recovery room. You will then be transferred to our Mother/Baby unit.
Mother/Baby Unit
The Mother/Baby team welcomes you to your private room and provides you with the care and education you will need to care for yourself and your baby independently. Our Mother/Baby team will also include you in your care decisions to ensure your preferences are heard during this time. One support person can stay with you in your private room during your medical center stay. While on the Mother/Baby Unit, your newborn will receive their first bath (with your participation); receive their newborn hearing screen; cardiac screen; and other tests to ensure they have the best start!
Exceptional Care for Fragile Newborns
Our 11-bed Level III Neonatal Intensive Care Unit (NICU) allows us to care for the most critically ill babies, including those who are premature, have a very low birth weight or are medically fragile. Salinas Valley Health is uniquely qualified to ensure that every baby leaves the medical center healthy and strong – even if they need a little help before they are ready to go home. We believe having family close by is beneficial for babies and reassuring for mom and dad, so we offer expanded visitation for parents, siblings and other family members. We also do all we can to keep parents informed and teach them at-home care for when their babies are discharged from the medical center.
Our specialists collaborate as needed to address each baby’s unique needs. For example, if a pediatric cardiologist is needed, we link to Stanford University via a high-speed audio/video network. This allows our neonatologists to securely transmit the results of an infant's echocardiogram to a pediatric cardiologist at Stanford using two-way, real-time video and audio communications to determine the best course of care for each tiny patient. If needed, transportation of these fragile babies is jointly coordinated between our NICU and the transport team at Lucile Packard Children's Hospital Stanford by a specialized mother/infant critical care transport vehicle called “NICU on wheels.”
Lactation Support
Breastfeeding is important, and we do all we can to support this healthy practice. We are proud to have met the standards for accreditation as a Baby-Friendly medical center. This global program, sponsored by the United Nations International Children’s Fund (UNICEF) and the World Health Organization, recognizes birth centers that offer an optimal level of care for infant feeding. Our board-certified lactation consultants to assist you and your newborn with any breastfeeding challenges. If breastfeeding issues occur after mother and baby have gone home, we offer Outpatient Lactation Clinic consultation twice a week (by appointment) for additional support.
Perinatal Diagnostic Center
If your doctor is concerned that your pregnancy may be high-risk, we will perform the tests to confirm that possibility or rule it out. If you already know your pregnancy is high-risk, we have advanced technologies, specialized care and support services to support you in the coming months, including a partnership with the world-renowned Lucile Packard Children's Hospital Stanford. Our team uses state-of-the-art imaging techniques and diagnostic modalities to provide up-to-the-minute care for mothers and babies in high-risk pregnancies. We are able to evaluate a baby’s risk for certain abnormalities as early as week 11. Our maternal-fetal medicine consultation services include:
- Advanced 3-D/4-D fetal ultrasound technology
- Genetic counseling
- Amniocentesis and chorionic villus sampling (CVS)
- Fetal echocardiography
- Instant risk assessment/NTD labs first-trimester screen
- Percutaneous umbilical blood sampling (PUBS) and fetal blood transfusions
Tour of the Labor & Delivery, Post-Partum and Neonatal Intensive Care Unit at Salinas Valley Health
Recorrido por las unidades de Labor y Parto, Posparto y UCIN de Salinas Valley Health
Podcast: Maternity Services with Julie Vasher, DNP, RNC-OB, APRN-CNS, C-EFM
Podcast: Servicios de Maternidad con Julie Vasher, DNP, RNC-OB, APRN-CNS, C-EFM
For more information see the downloadable pdfs below.
- Birth Preferences Guide
- Birth Preference Guide (Spanish)
- Enhanced Recovery After Surgery (ERAS)
- Enhanced Recovery After Surgery (ERAS) (Spanish)
- How to Know if You’re in Labor
- How to Know if You’re in Labor (Spanish)
- TEAMBirth
- TEAMBirth (Spanish)
- Postpartum Care Preferences Guide
- Postpartum Care Preferences Guide (Spanish)
- Simple Answers to All Your Breastfeeding Questions
- Simple Answers to Your Breastfeeding Questions (Spanish)
Salinas, CA 93901
831-757-4333 More Information -
Salinas, CA 93901
831-758-8223 More Information -
Salinas, CA 93901
831-751-7070 More Information -
Gonzales, CA 93926
831-675-3601 More Information