Cancer Survivorship
Salinas Valley Health supports our cancer patients and their families as a collaboration between Cancer Care, Outpatient Infusion, the Susan Bacon Cancer Resource Center, Palliative Care, Radiation Oncology, Nutrition Services, therapy services, primary care, and other departments. Cancer touches all aspects of life - at all points in their cancer journey, our compassionate team members aim to support patients and their families to live as well as possible.
While cancer survivorship begins at the time of diagnosis, and our multidisciplinary survivorship team supports patients at every stage of their journey, our Survivorship Program is focused on those who have completed cancer treatment.
Beginning with breast cancer survivors, and soon expanding to other cancer survivors, we provide patients with personally tailored Survivorship Care Plans based on the guidance of the American Society of Clinical Oncology. This gives patients the full understanding of the particulars of their medical journey so far and recommendations moving forward.
We have also undertaken efforts to raise awareness of survivorship in our community, including informational materials at the Salinas Valley Health Farmers’ Market, the Salinas Valley Health podcast series, and more to come.
Our survivorship team is here to provide resources such as emotional support, group and referrals, along with guidance for ongoing risk reduction, screening, and surveillance. Our Cancer Resource Center (831-759-1951) is the best place for survivors to start exploring available resources.
Salinas Valley Health Survivorship Podcast with Kyle Youngflesh, DO
Podcast: How to Improve Quality of Life After Cancer Treatment
Podcast: Como Mejorar Su Calidad de Vida Después del Tratamiento Contra el Cáncer
Additional Survivorship Resources:
American Cancer Society, Survivorship: During and After Treatment
National Coalition for Cancer Survivorship, Survivorship Champions Videos