Fearless Faith
- Category: CMNH Local Impact

When Faith was born, she weighed just 3 pounds, 15 ounces. Don't let her size fool you though, she packs a lot of fight into a little package.
Battling over a half dozen serious medical conditions, at one point her parents were told to take her home and "spend as much time as you can with her." Almost a year later, Faith is still fighting. "It was hard," says Faith's dad, "they didn't think she was going to make it this far."
In addition to her cleft lip and palate, Faith also has Trisomy 18 with Hypotonia, Congenital Heart Disease, Chronic Respiratory Failure, and Subglottic Stenosis. She's dependent on a G-Tube for nutrition, and she also has severe obstructive sleep apnea, hypoxia, and hypercapnia. While that list is quite impressive, Faith's parents don't like to focus on her multiple diagnoses. They don't want her to be labeled because of her conditions, or limited by them. She continues to defy the odds, with her parents fighting for her every step of the way.
As Faith has grown, so have her medical needs. Thankfully, she has incredible parents who never stop trying to give her the best life possible. Her dad adds, "I've been doing a lot of research and reading, just trying to advocate for her and getting the proper medical needs for her."
When her parents were advised to get Faith a medical bed, they turned to our 'Making More Miracles' medical needs granting program for help. Thanks to the generosity of our corporate partners and local donors to our Children's Miracle Network Hospitals Program, the Salinas Valley Health Foundation is able to operate this unique grating program, helping individual families with funding for equipment and services that are medically beneficial, but that may not be deemed as 'medically necessary.'
Faith now has a specialized bed to keep her safe and comfortable, while helping to prevent aspiration pneumonia.