Sweet Potato Bowl

Sweet Potato Bowl


Serves 4


4 cups cooked quinoa

4 cups fresh power greens

1/4 lb. sugar snap peas, blanched

2 medium garnet yams, roasted and peeled

1/2 lb. asparagus, blanched

1 avocado, peeled and sliced

2 oz. raw almonds, chopped

1 cup fresh pico de gallo salsa

Juice of 4 limes

3 Tbsp. olive oil

2 Tbsp. chopped parsley

Fresh ground black pepper

This dish can be prepared in advance and assembled when you are ready to eat. It can be served chilled or the quinoa can be heated to help take the chill off the dish.

To assemble:

Place 1 cup of power greens on the bottom of a large serving bowl. Add a large spoonful or two of quinoa over the greens. Arrange the other ingredients on top of the grain. In a small bowl mix the olive oil with the lime juice, black pepper and parsley, then drizzle over the top of the fresh vegetables.

Nutrition Facts

Calories: 480, Total Fat 22g, Saturated Fat: 3g, Sodium 200mg, Total Carbohydrates: 50g, Fiber: 10g, Protein: 13g

Chef Jason