Roasted Beet and Fresh Goat Cheese Salad

Serves 4Beet salad


Roasted Beets

1lb. Topless gold beets (baby beets work as well)

1lb. Topless red beets (baby beets work as well)

2 Tbsp. olive oil

Pinch of salt & pepper

2 cups water

Pre-heat oven to 425°F. In a Pyrex baking dish add the water and topless beets; drizzle with oil and season lightly with salt and pepper. (Colors can be cooked together, but gold beets will pick up some of the red color.) Cover with foil and bake for 45 minutes. Check for tenderness by poking a paring knife into the beet. (If knife pulls out easy, then they are done. If knife sticks, they need to cook a bit longer.) Once the beets are cooked, remove from oven and let sit on counter, covered, for about 30 minutes. Remove skins with a damp towel. Cool peeled beets completely, then cut into 1-inch pieces.

Salad ingredients

3 oz. Cherve (soft goat cheese)

4 oz. mixed salad greens

1 oz. toasted walnuts (almonds or pistachios work as well)

2 oz. balsamic vinaigrette

1 lb. roasted beets, sliced or cubed

Fold roasted beets in with salad ingredients and serve.

Nutrition Facts

170 Calories; Fat 9g; Sat Fat 3.5g; Sodium 200mg; Carb 15g; Fiber 4g; Protein 7g

Chef Jason