For Visitors

At Salinas Valley Health, we welcome all visitors to our state-of-the-art facility. Our medical center is not for our patients only; it’s designed to meet the needs of our beloved community. From a farmer’s market to our medical history museum, there’s a little something here for everyone. We offer regular classes and community events to keep you educated, informed and proactive in your pursuit of health and wellness.

At Salinas Valley Health, we consider visitors to be an important part of the healing process. While you are visiting our patients, we strive to ensure you feel supported and that your stay is comfortable.

Find out more information below:

Please note, latex balloons are not allowed in the medical center in order to protect patients with allergies. Only mylar balloons are accepted.

Interpreting Services

Salinas Valley Health provides Interpreting Services for our non-English speaking patients and family members at no cost. We offer onsite Spanish interpreters 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, in addition to audio and video remote services for 240 languages, American Sign Language (ASL) and Indigenous languages. If you need interpreting services, please ask registration, nurse or doctor to contact an Interpreter for you.

Servicios De Interpretación

Salinas Valley Health ofrece servicios gratuitos de interpretación para nuestros pacientes y familiares que no hablan inglés. Ofrecemos intérpretes de español 24 horas al día, 7 días a la semana. Además brindamos servicios de audio y vídeo para 240 idiomas, lenguaje de señas americano (ASL) y lenguas indígenas. Si usted necesita servicios de interpretación, pída asistencia al personal de registro, enfermeros o médicos.