25 Years of Super STAR Service

25 Years of Super STAR Service

Media Contact: Karina Rusk

The most recent STAR Award at Salinas Valley Health was a well-kept secret. Chief Information Officer Audrey Parks disguised the announcement as a meeting to review a new software rollout so the Information Technology (IT) honoree would be unaware of the award and surrounded by colleagues from departments throughout the healthcare system. Five minutes into the meeting discussion, Parks revealed Senior Programmer Developer at Salinas Valley Health, Tim France is the latest STAR Award recipient.

Tim joined Salinas Valley Health in 1999 as a support specialist and over the course of more than two decades advanced to his current position. Leaders from throughout the Medical Center praised Tim’s IT skills in generating a wide range of department specific reports and data integration solutions. The written nomination highlighted Tim’s dedication, service excellence and ability to balance competing priorities.

“Tim is a phenomenal asset to our organization,” said Audrey Parks, Salinas Valley Health Chief Information Officer. “His technical skill set alone is valuable however his work ethic and attitude make him a pleasure to engage on any project and those characteristics remain a standout for 25 years and counting.”

The STAR award at Salinas Valley Health recognizes exceptional service and is given to non-nursing staff who demonstrate the organization’s STAR values, an acronym for Support, Teamwork, Accountability and Respect.

The STAR Award celebration just happened to fall in the time period Tim also marked his 25-year-milestone anniversary and included additional recognition gifts and a custom anniversary yearbook with comments from co-workers.

“I knew I was celebrating 25 years with Salinas Valley Health, so that was expected” said Tim France, Senior Programmer Developer at Salinas Valley Health. “I am totally surprised though with the STAR Award. It’s a lot to take in but I really appreciate all of the kind words. I love what I do and it’s nice to know my work has lasting impact.”

Several other staff members were also nominated for the STAR Award. They are: Belinda Ruiz, Nutrition Services Aide; Eder Trujillo, Certified Respiratory Care Practitioner; Elia Parra, Interpreter; Isaac Castillo, Tech Assistant II in Radiology; Jaclyn Bayhonan, Nurse Aide; Maria “Dolores” Chairez Gonzalez, Environmental Services Aide; Ana Torres-Garcia, Environmental Services Aide; Jessie Vega, Tech Assistant in Radiology; Patricia Sorto, Rehab Services Aide; and Vincent Martinez – Radiology Tech I.

Every month, Salinas Valley Health recognizes two extraordinary employees, one with a DAISY Award (for nurses) and another with a STAR Award (for all staff). Nominations can be submitted by patients, visitors and staff. Nomination forms and drop boxes are located throughout the hospital and online. To learn more about the awards visit svmh.com/nomination.

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