Salinas Valley Health at Airshow

Salinas Valley Health at Airshow

Media Contact: Karina Rusk

October 6, 2023 – As thousands flock to the California International Airshow Salinas this weekend, attendees should be prepared for warmer than normal temperatures for the annual event. Volunteer nurses and clinical professionals from Salinas Valley Health will be on hand at the Airshow should anyone require medical services.

“We want everyone to be aware of the heat advisory in effect from the National Weather Service,” says Suzette M. Urquides, DNP, MPA, RN, CCRN, Salinas Valley Health Cardiac Cath Lab. “Planning in advance can help people avoid dehydration, sunburn and even heat exhaustion. Salinas Valley Health nurses will staff the first aid tent at the airport to ensure anyone who needs medical assistance, has it close at hand. We want families to be safe and enjoy the show.”

While temperatures are expected to be milder on Sunday, simple precautions can help prevent heat-related illness, especially in children, elderly and those with other medical conditions.

  • Drink plenty of water
  • Use sunscreen
  • Dress in layers with light weight clothing options
  • Seek shade
  • Rest when needed

The first aid tent sponsored by Salinas Valley Health will be open to the public Saturday and Sunday from the time gates open at 9am until after the show concludes.

In addition to first aid resources, Salinas Valley Health Salinas Valley Health Mobile Clinic will also be at the California International Airshow Salinas on Saturday from 9am-1pm. The Salinas Valley Health Mobile Clinic team will offer free wellness screenings including blood pressure and A1C testing. Salinas Valley Health also invites parents to bring kids by the Salinas Valley Health Mobile Clinic during those same hours to participate in an interactive nutrition game facilitated by first year Hartnell College nursing students, currently rotating on the Salinas Valley Health Mobile Clinic as part of their academic and clinical studies.

Salinas Valley Health is a long time sponsor of the California International Airshow Salinas, which raises valuable funds for local charities.

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