Salinas Valley Health Unveils Rose River Memorial

Salinas Valley Health Unveils Rose River Memorial

Media Contact: Karina Rusk

March 6, 2023 – Salinas Valley Health and Healing Together hosted the Monterey County dedication of the Rose River Memorial art project to recognize the impact of COVID-19 and promote community healing. The renowned Los Angeles artist who co-founded the national effort was one of the ceremony speakers.

“It’s very special for me to be here today with my family,” said Marcos Lutyens, international artist and co-founder of Rose River Memorial. “Salinas Valley Health is the first medical center to take a lead on an art installation and the result is a beautiful tapestry of people healing together from a global crisis.”

The dedication ceremony showcased a wall of more than 2,500 handmade red felt roses created by community members and adhered to nets donated by the Monterey Bay Aquarium. To date, the county has recorded 827 official deaths from the virus. The original goal was to make one rose for every life lost however the partnership with Healing Together and an outpouring of community interest far exceeded expectations. The display honors those lives lost to COVID-19 in Monterey County as well as those forever changed.

Nadine Semer, MD, palliative care physician at Salinas Valley Health, spearheaded the local art installation as a way for people to channel the many emotions stemming from COVID-19. She praised Healing Together, Salinas Valley Health Service League volunteers and the many other non-profits, schools, individuals, organizations, and other area hospitals who embraced the project.

“Healthcare workers were on the frontlines of the crisis however so were many others,” says Nadine Semer, MD, Salinas Valley Health palliative care physician. “The emotional impact of COVID-19 was experienced in every corner of our communities. Patients, families, business owners, school children and the list goes on. When you look at the devastating loss, isolation and financial hardships, it has been a difficult three years for all of us. The Rose River Memorial is a therapeutic outlet to recognize the impact and heal together.”

Maria Munoz, a Salinas Valley Health nurse spoke emotionally at the memorial, pausing through tears as she remembered her father.

“I had a photo of my dad with me at the rose sessions and here today,” said Marina Munoz, RN at Salinas Valley Health. “I know he received the very best care and yet COVID took his life. Like many families, the virus prevented us from having a large gathering to honor him. Participating in this project has helped me process my grief.”

“When the coronavirus surfaced in early 2020, no one could have imagined how long the threat would last or the toll it would take,” says Pete Delgado, president/CEO of Salinas Valley Health. “I commend Dr. Semer for her personal and professional commitment to bring this project forward, culminating in this dedication.”

In addition to the Rose River Memorial on public display at Salinas Valley Health, Dr. Semer wanted to create a traveling memorial which can be used by non-profits and other organizations throughout Monterey County. A mobile net and crab trap covered with red felt roses are considered roving displays and available upon request by emailing The public display at Salinas Valley Health is expected to remain visible from East Romie Lane in Salinas for several months before eventually going to Washington, DC to be a part of a larger national dedication planned by Lutyens and Rose River Memorial.

Photos of the local project can be found here. Additional information can be found at

Note:   In October 2024, more than a year-and-a-half after the unveiling of the Rose River Memorial at Salinas Valley Health, a smaller version of the temporary outdoor installation of this tribute received a new home inside our main visitor lobby. A plaque below the framed display reminds visitors of the tribute's purpose.

Click here to watch a short video from the dedication ceremony held on March 6, 2023.

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