Environmental Services Aide Receives STAR Award

Environmental Services Aide Receives STAR Award

Media Contact: Karina Rusk

SALINAS, CA, June 23, 2023- Salinas Valley Health has recognized Hildeberta Garciawith the STAR Award for her admirable work ethic and dedication to staff and patients. Hilda (as she likes to be called), is an Environmental Services Aide who exemplifies the Salinas Valley Health STAR values- Support, Teamwork, Accountability and Respect. Hilda received the month of June STAR Award in a special ceremony Friday morning.

“The STAR Award means so much to me, this is wonderful,” says Hilda Hildeberta. “I’ve worked at Salinas Valley Health for nearly thirty years. I enjoy my job and know that it has an impact on our patients. I always try to do my best and help my co-workers whenever possible. I love all my colleagues!

“After twenty-seven years, Hilda continues to be one of the most dedicated Environmental Services employees. She is committed in the quality that she provides to our patients and the support she provides to her team is unmatched,” says Christa McDowell, Director, Environmental Services. “Hilda has fostered a collaborative work environment and over the years has been known and called within the department as our “combo queen” as she is always willing to work in multiple units. Hilda’s can-do attitude is what we most value and appreciate about her.”

Hilda joined Salinas Valley Health in April of 1996. This is her first STAR Award. A total of thirty-five nominations were submitted for Hilda from fellow Environmental Services colleagues, nurses, and from Materials Management and Nutrition Services staff.

In her nomination, Sara Christie, RN, from Labor and Delivery shared, “Hilda is always kind, respectful and loving to our patients. She always makes our patients feel at ease and comfortable while making their environment peaceful.” In another nomination, Gloria Cervantes, RN, from the Maternity Department expressed, “I have witnessed Hilda’s commitment and dedication to this unit. She is friendly and supportive of staff and visitors alike. She collaborates with her Environmental Services team, so services provided are seamless and without disruption.”

Several outstanding employees received STAR Award nominations including Teresa Delgado, Leonora Deluna, Michelle Fay, Daniela Holquin, Guillermo Rodriguez, Luz Rosas and Andres Velasquez Gonzalez.

Every month, Salinas Valley Health recognizes two extraordinary employees, one with a DAISY Award (for nurses) and another with a STAR Award (for all staff). Nominations can be submitted by patients, visitors and staff. Nomination forms and drop boxes are located throughout the medical center. To learn more about the awards visit Nurse Recognition | Salinas Valley Health or STAR Award | Monterey County Health System (SalinasValleyHealth.com).

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