Salinas Valley Health Celebrates Heart Month

Salinas Valley Health Celebrates Heart Month

Media Contact: Karina Rusk

January 31, 2023 – The staff at Salinas Valley Health literally walks the talk when it comes to celebrating Heart Month with numerous community based activities, many of which involve walking. The team encourages everyone to participate in heart healthy activities and learning made easy with a full calendar of free events.

Exercise Challenge: This free 4-week exercise program runs February 1-28. The program is designed to promote a healthy lifestyle and encourage people to get regular aerobic exercise. Get heart healthy and win prizes. For more information, visit

February Red Hat Campaign: Every baby born at Salinas Valley Health Medical Center during the month of February will go home with a hand-made red hat courtesy of our own dedicated hat making volunteers and the American Heart Association Little Hats Big Hearts campaign.

National Wear Red Day: Show your awareness and support of heart health by wearing red on Friday, February 3.

Walk with a Doc: Anyone is welcome to join Salinas Valley Health and Salinas Valley Health Clinics physicians and clinicians on the regular monthly Walk with a Doc program and February is always a great hike. This month, the inspiring and informative walking discussion takes place Saturday, February 11 at 9:00am at Fort Ord National Monument, Badger Hills Trailhead. Jennifer Rodriguez, RN, BSN is a coordinator for the Structural Heart Program and will be addressing Cardiac Arrest vs. Heart Attack. For more information and to reserve your spot, email or call 831-759-1890.

Ask The Experts: For the first time, this popular event takes place inside the Cardiac Catheterization Laboratory at Salinas Valley Health as experts conduct a virtual demonstration of minimally invasive heart procedures using advanced technology. Watch and learn during this free presentation Wednesday, February 15 at 6:00pm on Facebook @Salinas Valley Health. Richard Gerber, MD, Interventional Cardiologist and Yousef Hindi, MD, Cardiologist take you behind the scenes as they explain what’s involved during lifesaving and life changing procedures.

Mended Hearts: Mended Hearts is the country’s longest running peer-to-peer cardiac support group, offering a unique physician-endorsed support model to help heart patients, families and caregivers. Join the group Tuesday, February 21 at 6:00pm at Salinas Valley Health Medical Center, 450 E. Romie Lane, Salinas Downing Resource Center parking structure, conference rooms ABC as Speaker Christopher M. Mule, DDS shares the connection between heart health and good dental health. Call 831-755-0772 for more information.

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