Salinas Valley Health Honors Veterans

Salinas Valley Health Honors Veterans

Media Contact: Karina Rusk

November 11, 2022– Salinas Valley Health is once again honoring Veterans on this national holiday. Every Veterans Day and Memorial Day, staff at Salinas Valley Health pay tribute to those who have served in the military with a public display of flags reminding the community of the true meaning of these holidays and the service and sacrifice they represent.

In addition to the 300 of flags lining the sidewalk in front of Salinas Valley Health Medical Center, Salinas Valley Health is participating in the Monterey County Veterans Day Parade held in Oldtown Salinas. This is the second year the Healthcare System’s Salinas Valley Health Mobile Clinic has taken part in the parade and is expected to become an annual tradition.

“As an army veteran myself, I know the significance of a community coming together to express appreciation for those who have served our country,” says Pete Delgado, President/CEO of Salinas Valley Health. “It’s important to celebrate our Veterans and to also acknowledge their families who supported them during their years of military service.”

One of the many Veterans at Salinas Valley Health now dedicated to the health of the community is the driver of the Salinas Valley Health Salinas Valley Health Mobile Clinic, Victor Benitez. Victor served four years in the Marine Corps and takes pride in driving the Clinic in the parade, even making a special effort to decorate the Salinas Valley Health Mobile Clinic for the occasion. To date, the Salinas Valley Health Salinas Valley Health Mobile Clinic has logged more than 10,000 patient visits, focused on providing free health care to underserved communities in Monterey County.


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