Salinas Valley Health Clinics First Baby Vaccinations

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Salinas Valley Health Clinics First Baby Vaccinations

Media Contact: Karina Rusk

Several media outlets reported on the first babies to receive the Pfizer vaccine at Salinas Valley Health Clinics PrimeCare Salinas. The CDC approved the COVID-19 vaccine to protect the last age group of 6 months to 5 years. Salinas Valley Health received 600 doses of the Pfizer vaccine and distributed it to Salinas Valley Health Clinics clinics. Doctors are encouraging parents to consider the vaccine and to call their physician with any concerns or questions. People can watch these news reports to understand why two mothers are breathing a sigh of relief now that the vaccine is approved for this vulnerable age group.

Watch KSBW video here

Watch KION story here

Watch Univision Spanish Language story here

Read Monterey County Coast Weekly article here

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