El programa "Vamos Sanando" del Salinas Valley Health Medical Center brinda asistencia a las personas que han perdido a un ser querido por el Covid 19

El programa "Vamos Sanando" del Salinas Valley Health Medical Center brinda asistencia a las personas que han perdido a un ser querido por el Covid 19

Media Contact: Karina Rusk


Salinas Valley Health is committed to healthcare equity and improving access to quality care for all. In addition to our Salinas Valley Health Mobile Clinic and Salinas Valley Health Taylor Farms Family Health & Wellness Center in Gonzales, we are developing special programs to meet the needs of our diverse and often underserved populations. Spanish language station, Univison reports on how a unique grief counseling project at Salinas Valley Health is reaching families devastated by COVID-19 by offering critical mental health services. The program is funded by HG Foundation and the Salinas Valley Health Foundation.

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