Heart Month FREE Ask the Experts Virtual Events

Heart Month FREE Ask the Experts Virtual Events

Media Contact: Karina Rusk

Four cardiac physicians from Salinas Valley Health and the medical center's executive chef are taking part in a series of free live virtual Ask the Experts events focusing on heart health and non-invasive procedures. Two of the events will be featured on the medical center's Facebook page and one on the medical center's website during the month of February.

“People who watch these free virtual events will have a deeper understanding of heart disease,” says Pete Delgado, President/CEO of Salinas Valley Health. “They will learn about highly advanced non-invasive cardiac procedures that save lives and provide a better quality of life.”

Board certified physicians Harlan Grogin, MD, Patrik Zetterlund, MD, Andreas Sakopoulos, MD, Christopher Oh, MD, and Salinas Valley Health's Director of Nutrition Services and Executive Chef Jason Giles are the featured presenters during Heart Month’s Ask the Experts series of virtual events.

One presentation will focus on the Watchman, an FDA approved cardiac implant proven to significantly reduce stroke risk from Atrial Fibrillation not caused by a heart valve problem. Salinas Valley Health Medical Center is the first medical center in the Tri-County area to offer the Watchman procedure.

“The Watchman procedure does not require open heart surgery,” says Harlan Grogin, MD. “We insert a narrow tube in to a blood vessel in the upper leg and guide it to the heart where blood clots form. Patients usually go home the next day.”

Another presentation will focus on the TAVR (Transcatheter Aortic Valve Replacement) procedure. TAVR is for people with moderate to severe aortic stenosis. The third presentation will focus on cooking heart healthy meals.

“Taking care of your heart also involves eating healthy,” says Christopher OH, MD. “Chef Jason Giles and I are looking forward to demonstrating how to cook healthy and delicious meals the whole family can enjoy.”

Heart disease is the leading cause of death for men and women in the United States. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) about 655,000 Americansdie from heart disease each year, that’s 1 in every 4 deaths and one person dies every 36 seconds in the United States from cardiovascular disease.

Free Ask the Experts virtual events:

Cardiac Electrophysiologist Dr. Harlan Grogin, MD

Friday, February 12th at 1pm live on Facebook @Salinas Valley Health

Topics: Usefulness of the WATCHMAN device to prevent strokes

Indication for AFib ablation

Cardiologist Dr. Christopher Oh, MD and Salinas Valley Health Medical Center Director of Nutrition Services

Executive Chef Jason Giles

Wednesday, February 17th at 4pm live on Facebook @Salinas Valley Health

Cooking Heart Healthy Meals

Interventional Cardiologist Dr. Patrik Zetterlund, MD and Cardiothoracic Surgeon

Dr. Andreas Sakopoulos, MD

Wednesday, February 24th at noon on our website: svmh.com/heartmonth

Topic: TAVR (Transcatheter Aortic Valve Replacement)

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