6 Simple Tips for a Healthy, Happy Holiday Season

6 Simple Tips for a Healthy, Happy Holiday Season

Media Contact: Karina Rusk

The holiday season is here and with it comes the seasonal bustling of gatherings, celebrations, and special events. To give ourselves and our communities the best chance to stay healthy so we can enjoy all that the holidays bring, Monterey County’s four hospitals — Natividad, Mee Memorial Healthcare System, Salinas Valley Health, and Montage Health — have some simple tips.

  1. Get your COVID-19 shot or booster. We’ve seen firsthand how safe COVID-19 vaccines are. They are also the most effective way to prevent infection, subsequent transmission, and outbreaks — even from the Delta and, hopefully, Omicron variants. Everyone 5 years of age and older should get vaccinated. If you’re over 18 and had your last dose of the Moderna or Pfizer vaccine at least six months ago or more, or at least two months ago if you got the Johnson & Johnson vaccine, you can get your booster now. Find a walk-in clinic or make an appointment near you at www.mcvaccinate.com or www.myturn.ca.gov
  2. Get your flu shot. Yes, you still need to get that flu shot. The flu season is expected to rebound this year after a mild season last year due to restrictions related to the pandemic. It’s OK to get your COVID-19 and flu vaccines at the same time.
  3. Gather outside whenever possible. Virus transmission is reduced when you’re outside or in a well-ventilated space.
  4. Wear a face covering indoors in public. Unvaccinated family members, including kids 2 and older, should wear a mask in all indoor public settings. Children under 2 should never wear a mask, so keep distance between your child and other people in public.
  5. Balance special holiday meals with healthy eating most days. This is the season of eat, drink, and be merry. By all means, enjoy. But make a point of balancing the decadence with healthy eating.
  6. Make time for self-care. Pause, take a mental break, take a physical break, get some exercise, hydrate, and get plenty of sleep (adults need at least seven hours; kids need more). Some of us benefit from actually scheduling our self-care activities so they don’t get forgotten during this busy season.

Happy holidays from all the hospitals of Monterey County. Stay safe out there.

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COVID-19 vaccination appointments and walk-in clinics can be found at

www.mcvaccinate.com and www.myturn.ca.gov.

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