Salinas Valley Health Clinics Clinic Offers Additional COVID-19 Vaccination Support Staff Available for Phone Registration

Salinas Valley Health Clinics Clinic Offers Additional COVID-19 Vaccination Support  Staff Available for Phone Registration

Media Contact: Karina Rusk

SALINAS, CA, April 20, 2021 – Salinas Valley Health Clinics staff is working aggressively to stay ahead of the COVID-19 variant threat in Monterey County and is urging people to take advantage of openings at the Salinas Valley Health Clinics COVID-19 vaccination clinic in Salinas. In addition to using the state’s MyTurn website, the Salinas Valley Health Clinics team is helping people register for appointments over the phone.

“Everyone 16 and older is now eligible to be vaccinated,” said Pete Delgado, Salinas Valley Health President/CEO. “We have an outstanding team and process in place to vaccinate up to 1,000 people a day at our Salinas Valley Health Clinics clinic and we have hundreds of open appointments available.”

Last week, vaccine eligibility expanded to include anyone 16 and older and while many regions are experiencing a shortage in vaccine supply, right now Monterey County is able to keep pace and has immediate openings for the two dose Pfizer and Moderna vaccines.

There are a number of ways to register: Salinas Valley Health Clinics patients can register through their patient portal; eligible individuals can also visit, and to improve the ease of access for anyone wanting to receive the COVID-19 vaccine in Salinas, Salinas Valley Health Clinics is also offering help over the phone by calling 831-771-3885.

Salinas Valley Health Clinics has vaccinated more than 35,000 people and offers the approved Pfizer vaccine for those 16 years and older. Ariana Pennise of Salinas turned 16 in February and received her first dose the day eligibility officially expanded on Thursday. She said “It was a super smooth process and I’m excited to be part of the solution. It didn’t hurt at all. I’m going to encourage all of my friends to get vaccinated too.”

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