Celebrating Local Cancer Survivors Amid COVID-19

Celebrating Local Cancer Survivors Amid COVID-19

Media Contact: Karina Rusk

Annual Event Goes Virtual to Honor Survivors and Support Caregivers

SALINAS, CA, April 2, 2021- COVID-19 will change the look and feel of this year’s annual event by the American Cancer Society, however it will not change the message of hope, inspiration and support. In fact, the pandemic has underscored the importance of assisting local cancer patients and caregivers.

The Celebration of Life Fashion Show is one of the local chapter’s biggest fundraisers and usually features local cancer survivors modeling the latest fashion on a runway. This year’s virtual celebration will highlight cancer patients who share how COVID-19 impacts their journey; provide valuable new resources for patients and caregivers, honor event co-founder Shirley Lavorato and include some surprises as well as prizes. Former San Francisco 49er ChrisDalman is making a special appearance and is also supporting the annual event with a promotional video launching this week on social media.https://vimeo.com/525723406/0bd4812c40

“Like many organizations, we’ve had to adjust our event,” says Linda Micheletti. “It’s given us an opportunity to share with the community the added challenges a person with cancer faces during COVID-19. Our virtual event lets cancer patients and caregivers know they are not alone.”

The fashion show portion of the event will take a hiatus as survivors share their personal stories and cancer resource experts share their knowledge. The Celebration of Life will include some familiar favorites including a silent auction and an anticipated emotional surprise 2021 honoree.

Cancer strikes one out of every three Californians’ in their lifetime, which is why the American Cancer Society is committed to fighting cancer. Nearly 14.5 million cancer survivors in America will celebrate a birthday this year, in part due to the efforts of the American Cancer Society.

The special 2021 edition of The American Cancer Society’s Celebration of Life is free and open to the public online at 5pm, April 17. You can join the fun early by checking out the silent auction items beginning Saturday, April 9th. For more information, details on the silent auction and to register, visit www.acscelebration.org

The American Cancer Society’s Celebration of Life is made possible by generous donors including: Bruce and Linda Taylor, California Giant Berry Farms, Susan and David Gill, Taylor Fresh Foods, Estate of Gary I. Eisenberg, Angela B. Micheli, Janice and Dennis Caprara, Salinas Valley Health, Sammut Brothers, Aladin Properties/Ausonio Apts., Apostolou/Micheletti Family, Church Brothers Farms, Integrated Crop Management Consultant, Inc., Ocean Mist Farms, RHC Management Co., LLC/McDonald’s Restaurant.

Editor Note: Photo attached Shirley Lavorato

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