Salinas Valley Health Activates Additional COVID 19 Resources

Salinas Valley Health Activates Additional COVID 19 Resources

Media Contact: Karina Rusk

Salinas Valley Health is expanding the number and types of resources it is offering the public during the COVID 19 pandemic. Today Salinas Valley Health activated a dedicated hotline at the hospital for members of the public to call and ask questions related to COVID 19. It is also a valuable resource for staff at area physician offices. The hotline is staffed with bilingual nurses answering the phones seven days a week during the hours of 7am-11pm. The hotline number is 831-755-0793.

In addition, Salinas Valley Health clinical personnel are now conducting drive-up COVID 19 screening. The screening takes place near the Emergency Department entrance close to the current triage tent. As with the triage tent screenings, anyone with symptoms consistent with COVID 19 should call the hospital prior to their arrival. The drive-up services allows Emergency Room staff to conduct an initial screening without the individual having to leave their car. The option is designed to make it easier for potential COVID 19 patients to get a medical evaluation and will further reduce the risk of spreading the virus.

Salinas Valley Health activated its Hospital Incident Command Center on February 10. Monterey County Health Department is leading a proactive response to the outbreak, coordinating and collaborating with local hospitals on effective policies and procedures to best manage the threat. To date Salinas Valley Health has sent 50 lab swabs to Monterey County Health Department for testing and of those, 5 have come back positive.

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