Salinas Valley Health President/CEO Sends Video Message to Community Concern About Rise in COVID-19 Cases and Hospitalizations

Salinas Valley Health President/CEO Sends Video Message to Community Concern About Rise in COVID-19 Cases and Hospitalizations

Media Contact: Karina Rusk

Salinas Valley Health President/CEO Pete Delgado released a video message to the community today to call attention to the increasing number of COVID-19 cases in Monterey County. Salinas Valley Health Medical Center recorded an additional 33 positive cases in the past 24 hours and currently has 15 COVID-19 patients receiving high-level care in the hospital. As of today, Monterey County has seen 1748 positive cases and has had 15 deaths.

“These numbers are concerning,” says Pete Delgado, President/CEO of Salinas Valley Health. “We need to be vigilant to stop the virus from spreading. I am concerned that many people simply are not following the guidelines for masking and social distancing as seriously as they should be.”

The two-minute video message featuring Delgado was included as part of a weekly update sent to 20,000 subscribers of the Salinas Valley Health COVID-19 free newsletter offering information and valuable resources on the pandemic. Salinas Valley Health is working with Monterey County Health Department and partner hospitals to send a united message of concern, urging residents to wear face coverings, wash hands frequently and maintain social distancing when in public.

“Like all things in life, it can be too easy to get complacent and let our guard down on important safety measures,” Delgado said in the video message. “We can’t afford to do this with COVID-19. I cannot stress this enough: Do not let your guard down. Please be smart. Be safe. And be well.”

The free e-newsletter with video link is located here:

Salinas Valley Health COVID-19 here:

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