Blood Drive at Salinas Valley Health

Blood Drive at Salinas Valley Health

Media Contact: Karina Rusk

Salinas, CA, February 22, 2019- Salinas Valley Health is inviting members of the community to donate blood on Tuesday February 26. Salinas Valley Health is hosting a mobile blood drive to help increase much needed blood donations in our community.

Donations of all blood types are encouraged, however donors with Type O-negative and Type AB (positive or negative) are especially needed. Please bring photo ID and donor card to your appointment. A free cholesterol test is completed with every donation.

Donors can automatically enroll in the Find the Hero In You program, which provides regular donors the opportunity to earn points toward great rewards such as movies, ice cream, e-gift cards and more.

The mobile blood drive will take place on Tuesday, February 26 from 9am-1pm at Salinas Valley Health, 450 East Romie Lane, Salinas. The United Blood Services bus will accept pre-registered blood donors in the MRI parking lot in front of the medical center, at the corner of Romie Lane and Wilgart Way.

Registration is required to participate in the February 26 mobile blood drive. To register call the Salinas Valley Health Health Promotion Department at 831-759-1890.

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