Nationwide Technology Tour Stops at Salinas Valley Health Clinics Diabetes & Endocrine Center

Nationwide Technology Tour Stops at Salinas Valley Health Clinics Diabetes & Endocrine Center

Media Contact: Karina Rusk

SALINAS, CA, September 10, 2018 - Medtronic, a leading healthcare technology manufacturer has included Salinas as a stop in the company’s nationwide tour. Medtronic produces advanced equipment that changes the way people with diabetes manage their disease. The company chose Salinas Valley Health Clinics Diabetes & Endocrine Center as a stop on the September schedule because of the Center’s many accomplishments and commitment to helping people with the disease live longer, better lives. This chronic disease is considered the number one major public health concern in the United States and more than half of the population in Monterey County has diabetes or pre-diabetes. The tour includes demonstrations and a panel discussion to engage the public in learning more about ways pump therapy can give people with diabetes an edge in living life to the fullest.

“Advanced technology is making the management of Type 1 diabetes easier,” says Dana Armstrong, RD, CDE, Director of Diabetes Services at Salinas Valley Health Clinics. “A person no longer has to inject themselves with insulin. Medtronic has developed an insulin pump which automatically provides insulin when the body requires it. It’s revolutionary.”

The public will see how the FDA approved MiniMed 670G insulin pump works. It’s referred by some as an “artificial pancreas”. This device is roughly the size of a credit card that a person wears outside the body and continuously monitors glucose levels and delivers insulin 24 hours a day based on the personal needs of the patient. The Diabetes and Endocrine Center received pre-release status for the MiniMed 670G in 2017 due to its expertise in the excellent treatment of diabetes.

“This device is changing people’s lives,” says Nicolas Kissell, MD, Medical Director at Salinas Valley Health Clinics Diabetes & Endocrine Center. “We encourage the public to attend this educational and free event. It can make a difference in their lives or in the lives of their loved ones.”

“Salinas is amazing and the exact population we need to reach and educate about diabetes and advanced technology,” says Errin Dalzell, Senior Manager Medtronic Diabetes. “The goal of our Medtronic national tour is to show the public how advanced technology is making the management of diabetes easier. We want everyone diagnosed with this disease to know what their options are and where they can receive these highly advanced devices.”

The Guardian Connect System will also be featured at the Salinas Valley Health Clinics Diabetes & Endocrine Center. This is the first smart standalone Continuous Glucose Monitoring System (CGM) to help people with diabetes stay ahead of high and low glucose events. The Guardian Connect System is for people who need multiple injections on a daily basis and allows them to better manage their diabetes.

This community education event takes place Wednesday, September 12 from 5:30pm-7:30pm at the Salinas Valley Health Clinics Diabetes & Endocrine Center located at 355 Abbott Street in Salinas. To register call 530-424-9234. Light appetizers will be served.

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