Red Cross Honors Salinas Valley Health Nurse for Humanitarian Work

Red Cross Honors Salinas Valley Health Nurse for Humanitarian Work

Media Contact: Karina Rusk

Salinas, CA, June 15, 2018 - The Central Coast Red Cross honored Salinas Valley Health registered nurse Tammy Renfer at the 13th Annual Heroes Breakfast in Aptos. The Red Cross selected Renfer for her numerous humanitarian missions including her work during a mercy mission to the war torn South Sudan.

“Tammy is one of our many health care professionals who gives back to others in a very generous way,” says Pete Delgado, President/CEO of Salinas Valley Health. “She shared her skills, knowledge and compassionate heart helping hundreds of people in South Sudan. We are proud of the work she does and how she represents our organization in the community and even in other countries.”

Tammy Renfer has worked at Salinas Valley Health for more than 10 years. She currently works in the Employee Health Department. Two years ago, Renfer decided to join a team of volunteers for a mercy mission to South Sudan. While there, she and the group helped approximately 1,100 people especially children with their medical needs. They also erected pop-up clinics near villages that had little or no access to medical care or supplies. Renfer’s trip to South Sudan is not her only mercy mission. In 2008, she went on a similar mission when she traveled to India and in 2017 she traveled to Indonesia and to Uganda.

“Tammy is an amazing person and registered nurse,” says Jill Peralta Cuellar, RN, Employee Health Manager. “In addition to her busy work and home life, Tammy finds the time to volunteer for medical missions in South Sudan and other countries. Because of this, entire families are able to live healthier lives. Tammy is an inspiration to us all because of her generosity and willingness to share her time and talents locally and abroad.”

“I am extremely grateful for this award,” says Tammy Renfer, RN. “The trip to South Sudan was an incredible personal experience. Despite the language barrier, I could see the gratitude in people’s eyes and that was a very humbling experience. I felt incredibly blessed to be able to do my small part to help them.”

In all, the American Red Cross of the Central Coast honored 13 heroes in various categories during its annual Heroes Breakfast. The Red Cross is a non-for-profit organization that depends on volunteers and the generosity of the public to perform its mission. For more information call 831-624-6921.

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