YMCA Needs a Few Heroes

YMCA Needs a Few Heroes

Media Contact: Karina Rusk

Be a Healthy Lifestyle Coach!

YMCA Needs a Few Heroes

Saturday, February 10 & Sunday, February 11

The Central Coast YMCA has multiple openings for Healthy Lifestyle Coaches to facilitate Diabetes Prevention Program meetings. Our support of the YMCA program is part of our commitment to prevent diabetes in our community.

This is a part-time position with flexible hours

Pay is $16-$20 per hour, based on facilitation and presentation experience

Seeking Spanish and English speaking coaches

The next Coaches Training Session will be held Saturday, February 10 and Sunday, February 11.

For more information and to apply, please contact Bill Prouxl at 831-757-4633 or email him at bproulx@ymcacentralcoast.org

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