Heart Month FREE Ask The Experts Presentation

Media Contact: Karina Rusk


SALINAS, CA, February 9, 2018- Seven cardiac physicians are taking part in the latest Ask The Experts event hosted by Salinas Valley Health. The free community event on Thursday February 15th is a unique interactive evening with physicians demonstrating the latest advanced technology and how people can live their best life with heart disease.

“As technology continues to evolve so do ground breaking heart surgeries,” says Pete Delgado, President/CEO of Salinas Valley Health. “These procedures are giving patients a second chance at life and providing a better quality of life. Our physicians enjoy sharing their knowledge and skills with the community on important issues like heart disease.”

Board certified physicians Deborah Myers, MD, Kanae Mukai, MD and Patrick Griffith, MD are the featured speakers at this Heart Health forum. Each physician will address a specific area of interest when it comes to open heart surgeries, minimally invasive heart procures and the use of highly advanced technology.

"Guests will see a live demonstration of what’s involved when we perform bypass surgery on someone who has had a heart attack,” says Patrick Griffith, MD. “In this case, I’ll be showing the audience how I would improve blood flow to the heart for a patient with substantial plaque buildup in the coronary arteries.”

Prior to the main program, four additional physicians are hosting a reception. The early presentations include heart valve replacement surgery, the implantation of a small permanent device in the left atrial appendage of the heart that helps prevent strokes, the recording of electrical signals of the heart and a demonstration on how a healthy diet equals a healthy heart. The presentations will take place back to back on two stages to assure all guests have the opportunity to see them.

The Ask the Experts from Prevention to Survival: Innovations in Cardiac Care presentation will take place Thursday, February 15th. Doors open at 5pm with an interactive hour of presentations. There will be healthy appetizers and a health information fair. The free event takes place in Salinas Valley Health Advanced Imaging located at 5 Lower Ragsdale in Monterey. Seating is limited. RSVP is required. To register visit svmh.com/asktheexperts or call 831-759-1890. Spanish language interpreter and listening equipment available upon request when registering.

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