Salinas Valley Health to Form Patient Family Advisory Council

Salinas Valley Health to Form Patient  Family Advisory Council

Media Contact: Karina Rusk

Council will play an instrumental role in furthering mission to deliver patient- and family-centered care.

Salinas, CA, November 17, 2017- Salinas Valley Health has announced the formation of a Patient Family Advisory Council to provide input and recommendations that will help improve patient and family experiences. With the guidance of patients and family members who represent the diverse needs of the Salinas Valley community, Salinas Valley Health will continue to be an innovator in compassionate, culturally sensitive care.

“The council will be a voice for patients and families, and bring a valuable perspective to the design and delivery of our Healthcare System,” says Pete Delgado, President/CEO of Salinas Valley Health. “We’ve got a strong, active community of people who believe in what we do, and formalizing the process of engaging our patients will ensure that we continue to put patients and families first.”

The council, which will consist of between five and twelve patients or their family members, will work with the Patient Experience Steering Committee at Salinas Valley Health to offer insights about their experiences, and help shape initiatives, processes and procedures at Salinas Valley Health. The Healthcare System is currently conducting community outreach and encouraging patients and family members to join the council, and expects the council to start holding regular meetings early next year. Those interested in joining the council should call 831-759-1834 or visit

“The way Salinas Valley Health focuses everything around patients and their families is just incredible,” says Salinas resident Anne Pauley, “And creating this council shows how much they value community input.”

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