Salinas Valley Health Foundation Pays Tribute To Donors

Salinas Valley Health Foundation Pays Tribute To Donors

Media Contact: Karina Rusk

A permanent display at Salinas Valley Health honors hundreds of generous donors to the Salinas Valley Health Foundation. The display is a large custom design depicting the history of Salinas Valley Health and pays tribute to the community members who provide financial support to the medical center foundation. The Foundation in turn supports Salinas Valley Health in its mission of providing quality care to the community.

“We are pleased to unveil these community and physician donor walls,” says Pete Delgado, President/CEO of Salinas Valley Health. “The generous donors to the Hospital Foundation embrace our mission of providing outstanding care to families in our region. The Foundation monies allow us to expand access to care as we did in building the Salinas Valley Health Taylor Farms Family Health & Wellness Center in Gonzales and provide our patients with the very latest medical technology.”

The 1/4 inch thick tempered and frosted backlit LED panels contain the names of physicians, companies and individuals who have generously donated to the Salinas Valley Health Foundation. The physician donor panels showcase 239 members of the medical community who have made cumulative gifts to the Foundation of $1,000 or more. The second donor board honors more than 450 individuals and businesses who have made cumulative gifts to the Foundation of $5,000 or more. The donor boards are a permanent display in the Hospitals’ main corridor on the first floor and will be routinely updated as donors reach significant giving milestones.

“The Healthcare System would not have the level of impact it has achieved without the generous support of the community,” says Kendra Howell, Salinas Valley Health Foundation Director. “We can’t thank our donors enough and this is a very public and permanent way we can express our gratitude.”

The description detailing the history of Salinas Valley Health is written in both English and Spanish for patients and visitors to enjoy. A special private unveiling ceremony and celebration were held for Foundation donors. The tribute panels are now on permanent display in the hallway past the reception area in the main entrance. The panels were manufactured by Lumilight and designed by GNU Group. Bogard Construction installed the tribute panels.

Anyone interested in donating to the Salinas Valley Health Foundation or learning more about how the donations are used, please visit

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