Salinas Valley Health Clinics Applauds Release of Statewide Diabetes Report

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  • Written By: Karina Rusk
Salinas Valley Health Clinics Applauds Release of Statewide Diabetes Report

Media Contact: Karina Rusk

Diabetes educators at Salinas Valley Health Clinics Diabetes & Endocrine Center are calling attention to a report released today by the UCLA Center for Health Policy Research. The new research indicates nearly half of California adults are on a path to developing diabetes.

“Diabetes and pre-diabetics is an epidemic that is still growing,” says Dana Armstrong, Certified Diabetes Educator for Salinas Valley Health Clinics Diabetes & Endocrine Center. “I call it a tsunami and it’s hitting our county hard.”

The report by UCLA Center for Health Policy Research notes that more than 13 million adults in the state are estimated to have pre-diabetes or undiagnosed diabetes. The report breaks down the percentage of adults estimated to have pre-diabetes by county. In Monterey County, the UCLA research indicates 45% of all adults fit into that category and 37% of people ages 18-39.

“We see hundreds of people every month in our Center,” says Nicholas Kissell, Medical Director at the Diabetes & Endocrine Center. “We need people to understand the risks of developing diabetes and what they can do to avoid getting the disease in the first place.”

Salinas Valley Health Clinics (Salinas Valley Health Clinics) established the Diabetes & Endocrine Center in August of 2014 to focus resources and education on the growing health threat. The Center sees approximately 700-800 patients each month and 80% of the patients at the center are diabetic.

The Diabetes & Endocrine Center at Salinas Valley Health Clinics offers a monthly series of classes for diabetic patients. Troy Fink of Prunedale says the classes and support literally put his diabetes in remission. “Dana taught me how to eat right and change my lifestyle,” says Troy. “I feel 15 years younger and believe the changes I made may have saved my life.”

You can read the full report by UCLA Center for Health Policy Research here.

For more information or call 831-757-2058.

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