Salinas Valley Health Offers Free CPR Classes

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  • Written By: Karina Rusk
Salinas Valley Health Offers Free CPR Classes

Media Contact: Karina Rusk

Salinas Valley Health is participating in the 7th annual American Heart Association Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation (CPR) and Automated External Defibrillator (AED) Awareness Week by offering free classes to the community. Salinas Valley Health is offering courses at a number of convenient times to increase awareness and knowledge of proper CPR techniques.

“We look forward to teaching members of the community these lifesaving skills,” says Pete Delgado President/CEO of Salinas Valley Health. “Free classes like these are part of our commitment to the community’s health and wellness.”

Participants will learn to perform hands only CPR and will also learn how to use an Automated External Defibrillator (AED). Classes on how to perform CPR on infants will also be offered.

American Heart Association courses use a “practice-while-watching” format with the aid of an instructional DVD.

“The free CPR and AED classes provide participants with core skills in life saving techniques,” says Lourdes Escolta, Salinas Valley Health Education Manager. “Our goal is to remind people how important it is to learn CPR and to know how to use an automated external defibrillator.”

The Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation and Automated External Defibrillator classes are open to all community members and their families. The free classes start every hour on the hour and each program lasts approximately 30 minutes. You can register for classes anytime including classes on Saturday June 4, from 8am - 4pm; Monday, June 6 from noon - 5pm, and Tuesday, June 7th from 5pm – 8pm. All classes will be taught at the Salinas Valley Health Education Center located at 611 Abbott St. Suite 201 Gabilan Rooms in Salinas. To register call the Salinas Valley Health Health Promotion Department at 831- 759-1890.

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