Men's Health - Free Event

  • Category: News Releases
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  • Written By: Karina Rusk

Media Contact: Karina Rusk

The latest Ask the Experts presentation by Salinas Valley Health (Salinas Valley Health) will focus on information every man should know about heart disease, diabetes, cancer, low T and general health and wellness. It’s an informal and informative panel discussion.

“These free, public events are a great way to engage our community in their health and wellness,” says Pete Delgado, President/CEO of Salinas Valley Health. “People who join us at our Ask the Experts events are able to spend quality time with board certified physicians who are leaders in their respective fields and get their questions answered.”

Board certified physicians Tarun Bajaj, MD, Nicolas Kissell, MD, and Peter Oppenheim, MD are presenters during the June 15th event. Dr. Tarun Bajaj is a general surgeon specializing in minimally invasive surgery. Dr. Nicolas Kissell is an endocrinologist and medical director at the Salinas Valley Health Clinics Diabetes & Endocrine Center. Dr. Peter Oppenheim is family practice physician who focuses on preventive medicine and healthy lifestyles.

“Men aren’t known for going to the doctor,” says Salinas Valley Health Clinics PrimeCare physician, Peter Oppenheim, MD. “Ask the Experts makes a visit to the doctor easy, educational, and at times, even entertaining.”

The Ask the Experts presentation on Men’s Health will take place Wednesday June 15, 5:30pm, with registration beginning at 5:00. The free event will take place at the Salinas Valley Health Education Center, 611 Abbott Street in Salinas. RSVP is required, Spanish language interpreter and listening equipment available upon RSVP. Please call 831-759-1890 for more information or to RSVP. Light appetizers will be served.

From left to right: Tarun Bajaj MD, Nicolas Kissell MD and Peter Oppenheim MD

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