Salinas Valley Health Nurses' Aide Receives STAR Award

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  • Written By: Karina Rusk
Salinas Valley Health Nurses' Aide Receives STAR Award

Media Contact: Karina Rusk

Salinas Valley Health (Salinas Valley Health) has recognized Brianne Silvestre, a nurses’ aide in the Heart Center, with the STAR Award for the compassionate and skillful care she provides the community. Silvestre received the July STAR recognition, which includes a plaque and engraved STAR award during a ceremony on her unit. She also receives recognition at the July meeting of the publicly elected Board of Directors.

“It’s so wonderful to be recognized,” says Brianne Silvestre. “It means I’m going down the correct path and that’s what I want to do - I want to give patients comfort. I love working at Salinas Valley Health!”

The STAR award stands for Support, Teamwork, Accountability and Respect and is one way Salinas Valley Health honors its dedicated and compassionate staff. Silvestre started working at the hospital four months ago and has two and half years’ experience in the healthcare profession. She was selected for the award after several co-workers nominated her, praising her skills and the manner in which she makes patients and their families feel at ease.

“Brianne is so full of energy and in such a short time has really had an impact in the Heart Center,” says Glorinda Pastorius, Critical Care Director at Salinas Valley Health. “We are thrilled she is part of our team.”

Salinas Valley Health recognizes all of the STAR nominees this month for their dedication and commitment to patient care. STAR nominees include Claudia Garcia, Sonia Villegas, Cynthia Vargas, Joyce Tuazon, Yuanming Tan, Andrea Blomquist, Gerardo (Gerry) Dizon, Jacqueline Esparza-Valdez, Natividad Felix, Frank Herrera, Lolita Narte, Linda Vallez, Amelia Ruiz, Oscar Romero, Leonora Deluna, Robert Conine, Eric Wilson, Lisa Castillo, and Jennifer Jimenez.

Every month, Salinas Valley Health recognizes an outstanding employee with a Daisy Award for nurses or a Star Award for all staff. Nominations can be submitted by patients, visitors and staff. Nomination forms and drop boxes are located throughout the hospital.

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