Governor Jerry Brown appoints Central Coast Cardiology Physician Assistant to California Physician Assistant Board

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  • Written By: Karina Rusk
Governor Jerry Brown appoints Central Coast Cardiology Physician Assistant to California Physician Assistant Board

Media Contact: Karina Rusk

Governor Jerry Brown appoints Central Coast Cardiology Physician Assistant to California Physician Assistant Board

Jennifer Carlquist, PA-C was sworn in this week as the newest member of California Physician Assistant Board. Californian Governor Jerry Brown appointed Carlquist to the prestigious post after the Medical Staff Department at Salinas Valley Health nominated Carlquist for the board position. Carlquist is a physician assistant at Salinas Valley Health Clinics Central Coast Cardiology and works as an emergency room physician assistant at Salinas Valley Health Medical Center. “I’m honored and eager to serve my profession and advocate for growing the profession and expanding our scope of practice,” says Jennifer Carlquist, Physician Assistant at Central Coast Cardiology. “There is an incredible amount of teamwork involved between physicians and physician assistants. That teamwork serves our patients and ultimately our community. I’m proud to serve in a capacity that will allow me to promote the importance of physician assistants in the medical profession.”

The role of the California Physician Assistant Board is to protect and serve consumers through licensing, education, and objective enforcement of the Physician Assistant laws and regulations. Carlquist is just one of 5 physician assistants appointed to serve on the 9 member board during a four year term. “Jennifer is a great advocate for physician assistants, doctors, and patients,” says Kate DeSalvo, Director of Medical Staff Services at Salinas Valley Health. “Her work has been published and she is constantly helping to create awareness and perform community outreach. She is the perfect candidate for the job.” “Jennifer is passionate about her role in healthcare and about the future of the healthcare system”, says Elpidio Resendez, MD, Emergency Room physician at Salinas Valley Health Medical Center. “Having worked with her for a number of years in the emergency room, I can attest she truly cares about her patients and has the skills to oversee laws and regulations that protect not just patients but doctors and physician assistants.”

Carlquist was sworn in during a ceremony in Sacramento July 11th. Members of the California Physician Board meet every three months. Carlquist is frequently a featured speaker at physician assistant conferences throughout the United States on issues relating to heart health. In addition to writing and speaking on the subject, Carlquist is a painter with many of her art works on display at Central Coast Cardiology Clinic in Salinas.

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