Salinas Valley Health Offers Free "Ask the Experts" Community Event

Salinas Valley Health Offers Free "Ask the Experts" Community Event

Media Contact: Karina Rusk

Salinas Valley Health (Salinas Valley Health) is kicking off the 2016 Ask the Experts lecture series with a free community event to celebrate February Heart Health month. Three leading Salinas Valley Health cardiac care physicians share insightful information and answer your questions during this fun and empowering forum.

The free community event includes blood pressure screenings, health and wellness information, appetizers, giveaways, and a distinguished panel of physicians from Salinas Valley Health sharing the very latest medical advancements and heart related information.

Attendees have access to three experts in cardiac care - Vincent DeFilippi, MD, Harlan Grogin, MD, and Christopher Oh, MD. The panel topics explore the latest breakthroughs in cardiac surgery, Aha! moments in atrial fibrillation and how to eat your way to a healthy heart. The evening includes an opportunity to meet and mingle with physicians and ask questions following the panel presentation.

The Regional Heart Center at Salinas Valley Health is the first accredited Chest Pain Center in Monterey County, a STEMI Receiving Center for Monterey County, certified by the American Association of Cardiovascular and Pulmonary Rehabilitation as one of only 37 cardiac wellness programs in California, earned the American Heart Association/American Stroke Association Gold Plus Achievement Award for Heart Failure and Platinum Performance Achievement Award for Stroke, and The Joint Commission 2015 “Top Performer on Key Quality Measures” by demonstrating exemplary performance in the areas of heart attack, heart failure, pneumonia, surgical care and perinatal care.

The Salinas Valley Health Ask the Experts community event takes place Thursday, February 18th at the Salinas Valley Health Advanced Imaging, 5 Lower Ragsdale Drive, Monterey. Reception begins at 5:15pm. Physician panel begins at 6pm. Spanish translation provided. For more information and to RSVP, call 831-759-1890 or email More at

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