Salinas Valley Health Board of Directors Unanimously Approves Contract with NUHW

  • Category: News Releases
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  • Written By: Karina Rusk

Media Contact: Karina Rusk

Salinas Valley Health’s (Salinas Valley Health) publicly elected Board of Directors unanimously approved a four year contract for Hospital employees represented by the National Union of Healthcare Workers (NUHW). The ratification follows a vote by NUHW represented staff to approve the contract agreement.

“The agreement is a model of compromise and produced a strong, competitive package of pay and benefits for employees,” says Rafael Garcia, President of the Salinas Valley Health Board of Directors. “Not only does this contract reward our valued employees, it is also consistent with the Healthcare System’s commitment to quality care, responsibly managing district hospital resources and rewarding a work culture that supports shared organizational goals and values.”

The contract provides pay increases and keeps a comprehensive package of benefits, including low-cost health coverage, a pension plan and several weeks of paid time off.

“I want to commend the bargaining teams who worked through some complex and difficult issues to reach agreement,” says Pete Delgado, President/CEO of Salinas Valley Health. “We appreciate the dedication of all of our employees and are focused on working together as a team in providing quality care for our community.”

Contract negotiations with NUHW began in July of 2015 and included 23 bargaining sessions and three rounds of mediation. A tentative agreement between the Hospital and Union was reached August 12th.

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